Posted Letter in Colonial and Revolutionary America by ter Braake The source book for any Colonial American philatelic study, covers both the postal operations, known markings and covers. 1975, 653 pages, rate chart in pocket, cloth, enquire first, $100.00
American Stampless Cover Catalog, Part 3, 1993 edition The most complete general listing of Colonial markings. Please see POSTAL MARKINGS & SERVICES for previous editions. 1993, Part 3, current edition, 336 pages, cloth, out of print, please see under Markings
Colonial Posts in the US of America 1606-1783 by Horowicz & Lowe A most useful and convenient listing with a different slant from the above, after all during this period we were British!
Encyclopedia of Empire Postage Stamps, Vol. 5, North America by Robson Lowe 1973, 760 pages, cloth edition, also deluxe full leather, enquire
Auction Catalogs of Major Colonial Collections
American Postal Markings, From Colonial Times to the 1850's, The Unexibited Exhibit of Royden H. Lounsbery, exhibit pages have been printed in color. 1983, 144 single sided pages, about 298 in all, cloth, $160.00
Hugh Finlay Journal, Colonial Postal History 1773-1774 This journal covers his trip through New England and the South as Surveyor of Post Roads for His Majesty's Post. Howes F 137. 1975 reprint of 1867 book, 128 pages, acid free paper, cloth, $17.50
The Ledger of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Postmaster General, 1776 A 1776-78 postal ledger reprinted in 1865 under this title though it does not relate to Benjamin Franklin. Lists accounts for various post offices. 1976 reprint of 1865 book, 128 pages, card, limited stock, $35.00
The Early History of the Colonial Post Office by Mary E. Woolley 1969 reprint of 1894 article, 33 pages, card, $8.50
Colonial and Revolutionary Posts by Harry M. Konwiser, 1947, a 56 page article in The American Philatelic Dictionary, cloth, $22.50
Stagecoach East by Oliver W. Holmes and Peter T. Rorhbach, Smithsonian Press, 1983, 220 pages, cloth, enquire
History of the US Post Office to the Year 1829 by Wesley E. Rich A fine history prepared as a 1917 doctoral thesis for Harvard.
Postal Service in Boston 1639-1893 by Carl Wilhelm Ernst 1975 reprint of 1894 article, 70 pages, card, $8.50
Massachusetts, Boston Postmarks to 1890 by M. C. Blake & W. W. Davis
St. Vincent to Florida by Walter Skine 1965, 8 pages, self cover, the Pensacola, Florida handstamps, $8.50
The Seven-Thorned Queen: Postal History of Richmond,Virginia to 1865 by Daniel C. Warren In American Philatelic Congress book, 1971, No. 37, also an article on Rhode Island Colonial, $28.50
The First Hundred Years of US Territorial Postmarks 1787-1887 by Dr. Carroll Chase & Richard Mc P. Cabeen Though dated this book remains the standard work on the subject.
Stamps that Caused the American Revolution, Stamps of the 1765 British Stamp Act for America by Adolph Koeppel. An extremely fine study for both the history and philately, enjoyable to read. 1976, 193 pages, cloth, $35.00, with slight moisture problems $25.00
Newspaper & Almanac Stamps of Great Britain & Ireland by Chandler & Dagnall An exceptional volume covering the history and collecting aspects of these stamps, Koeppel is best on the American ones. 1981, 302 pages, 99 illustrations in text, 129 types, cloth, $35.00
US Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper by W. V. Combs Three fascinating books on the much neglected filed of our first tax stamps. A superb study in all respects, excellent history and philately.
The Combs Catalog of Usages and Varieties of U.S. Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper 1791 - 1817 by W. V. Combs A catalog of the usages with updates for the 1st and 2nd issue. 1992, 100 pages, cloth bound, edition of 475 copes, $27.50
We are fortunate to have a small quantity of some of the more common embossed revenue documents, unfortunately we have none of the real rarities. The Colonial and Early Federal embossed revenues are still one of the neglected fields of US philately. They are much scarcer than the Scott catalog would lead one to believe but they are not as impossible as the Makepeace survey indicates.
All of the below are on full documents. During this period paper was scarce and documents are often small which is fine for mounting in albums, we regret that condition is not up to our usual standards:
Establishment of the First US Government Post Office in the Northwest Territory by Jerry B. Devol & Richard B. Graham An extremely fine study, philatelic and historic. 1975, 48 pages, cloth, a definitive study, $25.00
Indian Territory Mail by Gaspare Signorelli & Tom J. Caldwell The standard book on the subject. 1966, about 170 pages, published in screw posts, one copy available, $160.00
Judge Harry J. Lemley Collection, John W. Kaufmann, 1977, No. 38 This sale containing many Indian covers, the catalog also contains reprints of several related articles by Lemley, $15.00
Michigan, Indian Names in Michigan by Virgil J. Vogel More early history than most placename books, well written and documented. 1986, 241 pages, cloth, $40.00
Indian Placenames in America, Vol 1: Cities, Towns and Villages by Sandy Nestor Indian names often indicate Indian origin and are thus of special interest, arranged by state, much background information. 2003, 240+8 pages, cloth, $45.00
Indian Place Names in Alabama by William A. Reed from the University of Alabama and seems to be a more recent printing than 1984 but we can't find an indication and it is a short discount title, 1984, 107 pages, card, $27.50
Florida Place Names of Indian Origin and Seminole Personal Names by William A Reed 2004, 83 pages, card, $18.00