Confederate States of America


Philatelic Bibliopole

Leonard H. Hartmann

Confederate States of America

The State of the Nation

We are one People

With the Pandemic and current Social Unrest i have just mounted two pages that i believe are of some interest, an unusual twist on history.

William Tecumse Sherman was the proctor of a Southern academy, a year before the war he censured a Cadet for being involved in stealing chickens from an old negro man and paid for the chickens out of his own pocket.

I will leave the interpretation of the emotions to those that have more knowledge on the subject. but it does bring out the many personal conflicts of the War.

my London 2022 Exhibit, The CSA De La Rue stamps

On line with the below links:


Civil War Philatelic Society site, PRD format:

Trish Kaufmann's site, PDF format: //

Peer Review:

The printing of the Lithographed General Issues of the CSA have been one of my main collecting interest since the mid 1950's. I have starting a series of articles on these stamps for the CHRONICLE. Prior to publication the rough text will appear on our web site for review and comment, if you can help it can be incorporated into the article with credit. This Internet version is for peer review and is not intended to be the final polished article, there will be no illustrations and the formatting is minimal, just the facts.

The above issues of the CHRONICLE are in stock at $3.50 each unless priced otherwise. The printed version of these articles are well illustrated. On these journals there is a $3.00 postage charge for the first and $0.50 each for the rest.

Stone your Lithographs by Plating: C.S.A. Plating Service

Major Confederate Auction Catalogs: C.S.A.

Confederate Patriotic Stationery


James W. Milgram and John L. Kimbrough

To me the word stationery implies the letter sheets but this book covers these and also the envelopes. Twenty chapters including 6 on those printed in the North, all know CSA designs are illustrated in full size. 2019, 216 pages, full color, cloth, $50.00

Florida Postal History During the Civil War


by Dean R. Briggs, MD

A detailed study of each town; with listings of known covers, into and from the towns, and other illustrations, 2018, 299 pages, cloth, full color $75.00

U.S. Railroad Contract Mail Routes


Hugh V. Feldman

This book this book is of much value to any collector for towns on or near the rail roads, it presents the development of the early railroads in a historical context focusing on the establishment, routes and the cities and towns served as it relates the philatelic information.

The mail contract route information is presented in a well-organized manner including dates, route # s, contract agreement and cost per mile. The arrangement is by state accompanied by charts, copies of detailed maps locating town and a detailed list of the stations served on the various mail contracts.

The mail contracts normally have the individual stops and dates thus one may be able to bracket in time when a specific station was in use.

This book runs 1,096 pages. in full color, hard bound, dust jacket, illustrates 242 covers, 582 maps and 360 other images. A DVD is included containing over 800 covers many are not illustrated in the book, PMG annual reports and other reports to Congress between 1817 and 1878, these run about 10,000 pages. Also included are images of the manuscript Railroad Contracts by States, 6,773 in all. We think these contracts have never been reproduced before. Additional philatelic information is presented through the many covers included in the text that were carried by railroads in each respective states. These are described in detail and the appropriate references are included to assist philatelists in their research.

Published at $97.50 plus postage, postpaid to a U.S. mailing address, $107.50

The Springfield Facsimiles of Confederate Postage Stamps

by Steven M. Roth, F.J. Crown Jr & Patricia A. Kaufmann

The Springfield's are an evident fake but have fooled many and continue to do so, they are frequently offered as authentic on the web. Many examples are on poor paper and easy to spot but others are not. In the 1966 Washington International one was in the exhibit on cover as authentic.

Confederate States of America, Philatelic Fakes, Forgeries and Fantasies of the 19th and 20th Centuries by Peter W. W. Powell, John L. Kimbrough

A good work as to identifying fakes, forgeries and bogus stamps and covers. In some cases we question the forger attributions but a matter mostly of interest to myself and others that collect forgeries. 2015, small edition. 432 pages in color, cloth, $90.00

The Confederate Philatelist

A major item and at a price about the current binding cost. From the first in 1956 (Confederate Stamp Album) complete to 2007, uniformly bound as 18 volumes in red cloth, issue no 25 is a Xerox from a copy at the PF, net $1,750.00 post paid to a US mailing address, a wonderful reference and a bargain, sold

The Confederate States of America

Catalog and Handbook

of Stamps and Postal History

By the Confederate Stamp Alliance

Edited by Patricia A. Kaufmann, Francis J. Crown Jr, & Jerry S. Palazolo

The catalog covers numerous facets of Confederate Philately: Postmaster Provisional, Handstamped Paids, Fancy Cancellations, Patriotic Covers, College Covers, Covert Mail, Official and Semi-Official imprints, Flag of Truce Covers, etc. etc. Over 10,000 priced valuations.

The general issues, my area, 50 pages, is a major expansion and clarification from anything previously published. The CSA 10¢ blue lithograph has one Scott # but in reality it is three different designs and produced by two different printers. It is my hope that you can now understand and enjoy the adhesive stamps, a special effort was made to provide images that are large enough to be of real use to both the average and advanced collector. A new section is devoted to the Unofficial Printings, stamps printed from the original plates but not by or during the CSA, they are far fewer than one would believe from the stamps being commonly offered as reprints that are actually forgeries.

This book represents a major expansion and correction from the last Dietz Catalogs, 1959 and 1986, a completely new catalog. Many enlarged illustrations in color. A massive work, about 4.5 lbs in weight, edition unfortunately limited to 1,000 copies, a reprint or revised edition in our life time is not anticipated however it may be put on the web in the members only section of the Confederate Stamp Alliance website. I still hope to publish a detailed plating of the lithographed general issues.

2012, 528 pages, cloth, excellent illustrations in color, long out of print, $325.00, enquire

American Illustrated Letter Stationery 1819-1899

by Jim Milgram, MD The first book ever on this subject and a beautiful book. Chapters include City Views, Political, Causes, Gold Rush letter sheets (listing all known designs), Federal and Confederate, large chapters with complete listings of many types, Spanish-American War, Valentines, Schools, Hotels, Transportation, and finally representative types of private businesses. Forty three pages are devoted to Confederate. Rarity # s are given for the listings when possible. Quite complete, hen possible. Quite complete, obviously some areas are only representative. The contents contain 14 chapters, 1120 true color illustrations some full page in size, 2016, 560p, 1120 full color illustrations, HB with four color dust jacket. $90.00

John Fox Markings Devices and Fake Covers by Michael Laurence An exceptional article in the CHRONICLE: May 2008, vol 60, no 2, whole no. 218., limited stock, $17.50

Patriotic Envelopes of the Civil War

The Iconography of Union and Confederate Covers

by Steven R. Boyd

A detailed analysis of the Social and Political meaning of Union and Confederate Patriotic Envelopes issued during the American Civil Wa adds great insight into the significance of these envelopes.

2010, 192 pages, 181 color illustrations, cloth with dj, $36.95

A census of Confederate covers bearing the 2¢ green stamp by Dan Warren

A 33 page article in the American Philatelic Congress Book, 2011, No. 77, cloth, $45.00

The Confederate Postmaster Provisionals of Virginia by Richard L. Calhoun

Twenty provisionals ane listed with illustrations and census of known examples and some plating details. 2012, 116 pages, cloth, full color, sold out

Charleston, South Carolina

and the Confederate Postmaster Provisionals

by Richard L. Calhoun

It covers in detail: the Postmaster Alfred Huger, the stamp printer Evans & Cogswell, cancellations, plating study of the lithographed provisional stamp, census of all known Charleston postmaster provisionals in addition to a detailed study of the fake and bogus stamps, envelopes and covers.

2012, 152 + 3 pages, hard bound, 165+ illustrations in color, edition of 100 copies, limited stock $125.00

The Complete OR (Official Records) of the Civil War, Union and Confederate Over 200,000 pages, all searchable on DVD-ROM This DVD came out in 2002 and we stocked them and had no complaints however we had to order more this year and the DVD had major problems as to comparability with current computer programming thus we are no longer handling it. I do not know the problems, perhaps with the numerous Computer Changes over the years but i can only say that you should not load a recent one.and probably not an old copy. It is an exceptional work but the files on the DVD need major attention.

Confederate Post Office, Postmasters and Postmarks of the Trans-Mississippi States by Warren Sanders & Erin Gunter A listing of the towns, postmasters with appointment dates, handstamped and manuscript markings with many markings and covers illustrated covering Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, etc. 2007, 125 pages, cloth, edition of 250 copies, one copy available $87.50

Confederate States of America, Markings and Postal History of Richmond, Virginia

by Peter W. W. Powell

All known CSA Richmond markings plus a few pre-War ones that have not yet been found used during the CSA. The 8 basic types of CDS are actually 49 discrete markings, extensively illustrated, 142 halftones, 117 line cuts. For the first time Richmond markings can now be accurately dated. 1987, 188 pages, cloth, edition of 750, $50.00

The Great Texas Stamp Collection by Charles W. Deaton

The story of the Texas Confederate postmasters' provisional stamps. "How some stubborn Texas Confederate postmasters, a handful of determined Texas stamp collectors, and a few of the world's greatest philatelists created, discovered, and preserved some of the world's most valuable postage stamps. The book is spiced up with intrigue, mystery, and adventure, this history of rare, Civil War -era Texas stamps and those seeking to collect them offers a lively and insightful read for any philatelist." A good story with much useful information. 2012, 146p, cloth with dj 20 color and 9 B&W photos, $35.00

The Confederate States of America, Notes on the Postmaster's Provisional Hand Stamps on Envelopes and Wrappers by Albert Leon Adutt, 1922, 8 pages plus 5 plates that show portions of 50 covers that he obtained from the Ferrari sales, most of which are not illustrated in the auction catalog

Byne Index

Confederate States of America, Philatelic Subject Index and Bibliography, 1862-1999 by Richard H. Byne An index and bibliography with no comparison in American philately. Over 8,200 books, articles, auction catalogs, show programs, etc. are cited giving the basic description. These items are referred to in over 25,000 references by subject. Appendices cover abbreviations, authors, publications and illustrations.

Volume I, the literature for the 1862-1984 period, Volume II covers 1985 - 1999 plus a few year 2000 listings and any listings from the earlier period that have just come to our attention.

We honestly consider the Byne Index to be one of the top three CSA reference books. For a new collector the listing is the 1959 Catalog, the 1929 Postal History, and the Byne Index. For the established collector the sequence is reversed as it starts with the Byne Index, the 1929 Dietz and the 2012 Catalog. Confederate Philately with over 10,000 references is one of the most extensively documented in philately, without the index you can't find what is in your own library.

Official Documents of the Post Office Department of the C.S.A.

Reprint by Theron Wierenga of 13 C.S.A. postal documents including the 10 Postmaster General reports, instructions to postmasters and special agents and a list of post office establishments. One of the few recent reprints where both the contents and the rarity of the originals justifies the reprint; the other being the U.S. Mail and Post-Office Assistant.

Postal Service of the Confederate States of America by August Dietz

1929, 439 pages, three editions, all are limited stock The 1929 Dietz is still a standard work in Confederate Philately

Dietz Confederate States Catalog and Hand-Book, The 1929 Dietz is the scholarly study and the Catalog and Hand-Books are the working listings for a collection. The Dietz Catalogs are the day-in and day-out working reference, we personally prefer the 1959 edition but the 1986 is also favored by many with the older ones of much reference value. A new edition is in the planning stage and is scheduled to appear in 2010, please see Forthcoming New CSA Hand-Book for details as they evolve.

The Confederate States Post-Office Department Its Stamps & Stationery by August Dietz A good and enjoyable general monograph, well produced, 1950, 48 pages, card, two page color plate, $15.00

Phillips' Specialized Priced Catalog of Confederate States General IssuesA most interesting item for the specialist, it list material not seen again until the Hall sale in 2001, not dated but circa 1920, 31+ pages, card, printed by the Dietz Printing Company, limited stock, please enquire, $42.50

Postal Legislation of the Confederate States of America 1861-1865, Postal Rates Earliest Known Dates of Use of the General Issues by Stanley B. Ashbrook, 1946, 54 pages, card, a most useful booklet

The Jefferson Davis Postage Stamp Issues of the Confederacy by George N. Malpass, circa 1960, 24 pages, card, $20.00

The Confederate Philatelist Journals of the Confederate Stamp Alliance

The Confederate Philatelist The Southern Philatelist by August Dietz, Richmond, Va., Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov 1924 through Vol 5, starting with Vol 6 through the final issue, Vol. 9, No. 12, Oct 1933 the name was changed to The New Southern Philatelist

A major US journal of the period and a landmark in Confederate Philately, the 1929 Dietz book first appeared as a series as did the Pratt Memphis monograph. Much useful material appeared in the various Dietz magazines that is not in the 1929 book or the subsequent catalogs. Some individual issues available, please inquire.

Stamp and Cover Collecting by August Dietz, Richmond, Virginia Stamp and Cover Collecting Review by August Dietz, Richmond, Virginia

Special Mail Routes of the American Civil War

A Guide to Across-the-Lines Postal History


Steven C. Walske and Scott R. Trepel

A most welcomed update and compliment to the long standing work by L. Shenfield, 2008, 283 pages, full color, cloth, edition 550, $65.00

The Steven C. Walske Collection of Special Mail Routes of the American Civil War, An exceptional companion to the above book, Robert A. Siegel Auction No. 988, May 27, 2010, 304 page, cloth, limited stock, $75.00

CSA, The Special Postal Routes by Lawrence L. Shenfield The old standard for the various special postal operations. 1961, 101 pages, cloth, edition of 500 copies, $95.00

American Letter Express Company, Louisville and Nashville 1861 by Edward Brooks and Sam Adkins, An excellent compilation of the express advertising, and mentions in the Louisville newspapers.1946, 60 pages, cloth, enquire first, $175.00

The Post Office Mail Sent Across the Lines at the Start of the American Civil War, May to July 1861 by Steven C. Walske An excellent new coverage of the Mails Suspensions, Railroad Mail Routes through Virginia, Railroad Mail Routes through Tennessee, Tennessee-Kentucky Mails after June 12th. 2003, 36 pages in full color, card, $5.00

C.S.A. Stampless Cover Catalog by Benjamin Wishnietsky 1980, 1st and only edition, 100 pages, card, one copy in stock, $25.00

American Stampless Cover Catalog, Vol 3, 183 pages devoted to Confederate Stampless covers, an updated version of the Wishnietsky work, please see under Markings

Straightline, Fancy & Unusual Cancels and Handstamps on Confederate General Issue Stamps by Conrad L. Bush A listing of all straightline, fancy and unusual cancels and handstamps. 1997, 90 pages, 160 illustrations, hardbound, edition of 500 copies, $32.50

Combination Usages that Include the Four 5 Cent General Issues of the CSA by Richard Krieger 17 page article in the 1985 APC book, cloth $25.00

Self-Sufficiency at All Cost, Confederate Post Office Operations in North Carolina 1861 - 65 by Richard F. Ridgway The CSA PO has always been praised for showing a profit while both pre and post war Federal operations in the South ran at a deficit. Ridgway concludes that the true costs for running at a profit were not in proportion to the losses from poor mail service, moral, etc. Ridgway seems to forget that Reagan's drive for fiscal self-autonomy was a mandate from Congress. 1988, 78 pages, card, $17.50

North Carolina Post Offices and Postmasters 1860-1866 Listing of PO and PM, Federal Compensation and CSA Appointments 1992, 35 pages, card, useful, $10.00

The Turbulent Decade, Georgia's Post Offices 1860-1869 by Francis J. Crown, Jr., An excellent listing by Post Office of the US - CSA - US etc. postmasters and appointment with dates by Town and the postmasters alphabetically plus an exceptional 22 pages introduction and history, appendix, notes and bibliography. It shows the transition between the US - CSA - US postal systems, 2007, 158 pages, cloth, edition of 200 copies, $37.50

List of Post Offices of the United States, 1862 The 1862 U.S. list of post offices, the best listing of C.S.A. post offices published to date, also the Postal Laws and Instructions of 1861, 1863, 1864 and 1865. Reprinted by Wierenga. 1981 reprint of 1862 book, 374 pages, cloth, $77.50

Postal History of Blockade Running Through Bermuda 1861-1865 by M. H. Ludington Am excellent study of the service detailing 15 covers and a chronology of over 125 sailings which will make identification of these fascinating covers easier. 1996, 47+3 pages, card

The Trans-Mississippi Mails After The Fall of Vicksburg by R. Krieger 1984, 74 pages, card, edition 750 with 12 page addenda, highly recommended, $47.50

Prisoners' Mail

Prisoners' Mail from the American Civil War by Galen D. Harrison Union and Confederate covers from 83 Union and 58 Confederate Prisons, compiled from a census of over 2,700 covers, earliest and latest known usages for the handstamped examination markings. 1997, 307 pages, 300 illustrations, cloth, $42.50

Civil War Prisons and Their Covers by Earl Antrim Still a major work on the subject. 1961, 215 pages, cloth, $35.00, sold but enquire

Surveys of the Confederate Postmaster's Provisionals by F. J. Crown Jr. A reprint compendium of Charles Phillips' articles from the 1930's and the Hart ones from the 1950's, illustrations added, the Crown Georgia Survey, etc. A major item for the CSA student and collector. 1984, 742 pages, cloth, edition 550, $95.00

Notes on the New Orleans Postmaster's Provisionals: Plating and Postal History by H. C. Skinner, a 55 page article in 1978 APC book, 1978, 212 pages, cloth, $37.50

Philatelic Foundation booklets on the CSA lithographs by B. Green 1977-78, Five booklets, card, $27.50

Typographs of the CSA, Postage Stamps & Postal History by B. Green 1981, 40 pages, card, $22.50

Confederate States Two-Cent Red-Jack Intaglio Stamp by B. Green A good coverage of this stamp however it is of special value as it illustrates a # of fake covers and markings. 1983, 66 pages, 101 illustrations, card $22.50

Handling the Mails at Corpus Christi by Rex H. Stever A detailed history from the establishment of the first trading post in 1839 to 1997. 1997, 260 pages, 150 illustrations, cloth with dj, edition of 400, limited stock, $55.00

Confederate Stamps, Old Letters and History by Raynor Hubbell Mostly the history of Griffin, Georgia and Raynor reminiscing 1959 original edition, 89 pages, cloth, $45.00

Philatelic Expertizing -OPINIONS An Inside View by The Philatelic Foundation A major study of fraudulent material of real value, good CSA content.

Opinions I-V, The Complete Abstracts and Index by The Philatelic Foundation In addition to the index you have an illustrated abstract of each, article, useful for all but especially those not having a full set. 1990, 163 pages plus 8 page Definition of Terms tipped in, black cloth, $32.50

Sanitary Fairs by Alvin and Marjorie Kantor

A Philatelic and Historical Study of Civil War Benevolence A beautifully produced book of great interest to any collector of American Civil War or Charity material. Each fair is individually covered with respect to both the philatelic and historic aspects, many illustrations of the known stamps, covers and proofs, also the fantasies. Our only reservations is the plating of the stamps is not covered. 1992, 304 pages, 16 pages in full color, cloth, $70.00

Confederate Patriotic Covers and Their Usages by Benjamin Wishnietsky Over 230 excellent large illustrations of covers of which over 90 are in full color. A picture book but the fine illustrations and accurate captions make it a most welcome addition for the Confederate collector. 1991, 144 pages, cloth, limited stock, $42.50

Confederate Patriotic Covers, Including a Check List of All Known Designs by Van Dyk MacBride

The Catalog of Union Civil War Patriotic Covers by William R. Weiss Jr. The first comprehensive work since the Walcott Catalog in 1934 and is most welcome, Robert Grant's work in the 1970's never progressed beyond the first volume. A large volume that tips the scale at 7 lbs, the illustrations are surprisingly well done. For each listing we have: a new catalog # , the color of the design, color of envelope, imprint, verse, the Walcott listing, and a few notes. Over 6,400 listings with over 5,000 illustrations and 2,942 verses. 1995, 839 pages, cloth, 1997, 16 page pricing guide, $155.00, enquire first

Postal History of the Army of Northern Virginia by Dr. Stefan Jaronski A 58 page article in the 1984 APC book. 1984, 265 pages, cloth, enquire first, $40.00, enquire first

Evolution of Confederate Army Mail Service During the War for Southern Independence by Dr. Stefan T. Jaronski, 2001, 224 pages, cloth, 37 page article in 2001 APC book, $40.00

Charlottesville, Virginia: Handstamped Postal Markings 1845-1870 A 10 page article in the 1982 APC book. 1982, 164 pages, cloth, $22.50

Appletons' United States Postal Guide - October 1863 More than a list of POs, also the laws and regulations along with a section on Local Post Office Regulations, operating data Os, also the laws and regulations along with a section on Local Post Office Regulations, operating data on major POs: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago, Detroit and St. Louis. This volume should prove to be most useful. 2002 reprint of 1863 book, 232 pages, cloth, $39.00

Organization of the Confederate Post Office Department at Montgomery by Peter A. Brannon. Mostly Montgomery C.S.A. covers. 1960, 166 pages, cloth, $37.50

The Great Mail by L. V. Huber & C. A. WagnerThe postal history of New Orleans from 1804 through 1895, 1949, 200 pages, paper case binding, $72.50

John Leonard Riddell, Scientist-Inventor, Melter & Refiner of the New Orleans Mint, Postmaster of New Orleans by Karlem Riess 1977, 110 pages, card sold out

The First Hundred Years of Historic, Guilford County, 1771-1871 by A. Earl Weatherly A fine North Carolina postal history, 1972, 207 pages, cloth, $38.50

Crazy Confederates or Bogus Adhesives by H. F. Rooke The definitive listing of bogus CSA adhesive stamps. The January-April and July-August, 1969 issues of the CP, card, $20.00

Counterfeit Currency of the Confederate States of America by George Tremmel An excellent coverage of S.C. Upham, the Philadelphia maker of counterfeit Confederate stamps in 1862. The counterfeiting of CSA currency was much more extensive than thought, 2003, 198 pages, hard bound $85.00

Confederate States of America by Fred J. Melville Circa 1920, 72 pages, card, rust stains at staples, $25.00

A Catalog of U.S. Revenue-Stamped Documents of the Civil War Era by Type and Tax Rate by Michael Mahler A valuable and fun book for the Civil War Collector, quite attractive, pricing pamphlet. 1999, 268 pages, cloth, $45.00

Federal Civil War Postal History

by James W. Milgram, M. D.

A large full color book with over 750 big illustrations, 19 chapters on all aspects of postal usages and patriotic stationery, Includes excerpts from dozens of exciting original letters, detailed bibliography!
  1. Slavery and Abolitionism
  2. 1860 Presidential Campaign
  3. Federal Postal Usages in the South
  4. Union Patriotic Stationery
  5. Demonetization of 1857-1860 Stamps and Envelopes
  6. Soldiers' Letters
  7. Handstamped or Printed Certifying Markings on Soldiers' Mail
  8. Maritime Postal Usages from Coastal and Ocean Locations
  9. Maritime Postal Usages from Inland Waterways
  10. West Virginia Mail, Special Military Post Offices, and Postmarks of Reoccupied Towns
  11. Patriotic Postal Markings, Military Markings and Military Corner Cards
  12. Franked Soldiers' Mail, Free Mail, and Post Office Business Postmarks
  13. Hospital Mail
  14. Christian Commission Mail
  15. Sanitary Commission Mail
  16. Union Prisoner of War Mail
  17. Northern Parole Camps and Political Prisoners' Mail
  18. Flag of Truce Mail
  19. Express Companies and Registered Mail
  20. Index and Appendix - Imprints on Patriotic Covers by Gene Freeman
2009, 408 pages, cloth, in full color, $90.00

Presidential Campaign Illustrated Envelopes and Letter Paper, 1840-1872 by James W. Milgram An important work of both philatelic and historic significance, over 400 illustrations. 1995, 263 pages, cloth $42.50

Abraham Lincoln, Illustrated Envelopes and Letter Sheets 1860 - 1865 by James W. Milgram Most comprehensive and extremely well illustrated, much related material covering Slavery, the Confederacy, and Lincoln before and after the 1860 - 1865 period, enjoyable. 1984, 272 pages, cloth $30.00

Register of the Confederate Dept by Raphael P. Thian, A register of the signers of CSA government notes by series and serial # s for both the Treasurer and the Register.A detailed 17 page foreword 17 by Douglas B. Ball. 1972 reprint of 1880 book, 190 + 19 pages, cloth, long out of print, limited stock, $165.00


Please enquire on the below auction catalogs before ordering, those that are priced should be in stock but often only one or two copies, some that are not priced may also be instock.

The M. Ferrari De La Renotiere Auction Catalogues

With the G.S.F. Napier index and prices realized, Hind is listed as a subscriber, All sales No. 1-14 with plates, 1921-1924, extensive annotated in pencil. The 3rd sale, April 5-7, 1922, lot 295, the One Cent Magenta and annotated as for Hind. The catalogs appears to have been also been used by Alvin Good with a listing of bidding in his hand, Alvin was George Worthingham's curator. After Worthingham's death Alvin became associated with Hind. The 12th sale, April 22-24th, 1925, has a French tax form with adhesive revenue tax stamp for Arthur Hind purchases at that sale, the tax value and the realizations agree, see our web site for a part image of this form (the later 1929 sale is not included) bound in quality full leather as three volumes, hubbed spine with gold stamping, the pages show use as would be expected, $3,750.00, sold

Major CSA Auction Catalogs

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