Haiti, Early Air Mail of Haiti by Peter C. Jeannopoulos, 2010, 28 pages, in color, card, $20.00
Honduras, The Black Honduras by Irving I. Green 1962, 32 pages, card, stamp, history and philately $14.50
Indian Telegraphs, 1851-1914 by Ilyas Patel and Dhananjay Desai A comprehensive and well researched and organized book, in English covering the history, forms, rates, stamps, receipts, marks and cancellations along with money orders, etc. 100 illustrations & 63 full color illustrations of the stamps. Edition of 450 copies, a good work and well produced for one from India but it is lacking in binding quality. Our copies were sent in bulk and are in decent shape considering, 1995, 280 pages, cloth, $95.00
India, A Catalog of Indian Censorship 1914-1920 by Alan Baker Covers both Civil and also Prisoner of War and Internee censorship Over 100 censor markings are illustrated complete with scarcity guide. 1994, 32 pages, card, UK £10.00, $22.00
India, Postal Censorship in India, 1939 - 1945 by D. S. Virk 1983, 38 pages, card, operation, markings and stations, enquire first, $25.00
India, Adjmer Postal History 1820-1947 by Dhor & Ranjan An excellent listing of the postal markings and historical background. 1989, 82 pages, paper case, $32.50
India, Mesopotamia by Philip Cockrill, Persia, Persian Gulf, Mekran Coast
Ajmer Postal History 1820-1947 by J.M. Dhor & T.C. Ranjan, 1989, 82 pages, cloth with dj, $37.50
India, The Stamps of Jammu & Kashmir by Frits Staal 1983, 304 pages plus 16 plates in color, $112.50
India, Hyderbad Philatelic History by Dr. M. A. Nayeem All facets of Hyderbad philately from 1724 to 1950, a major work. 1980, 264+12 pages, cloth, $72.50, sold out
India, Local Postal Service by O.P.Bhatnagar
India, Postal History of Zemindari Dawk 1707-1906 by M. Majumdar A detailed history of the District Posts in Bengal and Assay from the detailed history of the District Posts in Bengal and Assay from the origins with the East India Company to the merger with the Imperial Post. 1984, 173 pages, cloth $15.00, enquire but apparently sold out
India, Bamra its postage stamps, postmarks, postal stationery, forgeries andfiscalss by R.J. Benns , 1982, plastic ring binding, edition of 100, $45.00, sold out
India, The Sacred Cow Issues of Bundi by R. J. Benns 1986, 57 pages plus 20 plates, spiral bound, edition of 150, one available, $35.00
India, The Stamps of Walkaway by RE. J. Benns 1990, 55 pages, plastic ring binding, edition of 100, $37.50
India, Court Fee and Revenue Stamps of the Princely States by Koeppel and Manners
A Priced Checklisl of Indian Base & Field PO 1914-1924 Massive, Indian troops were used in Aden, Dardeanelles, East Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria, France, Belgium, Mesopotamia, etc. 1999, 20 pages, card, UK £6.00, $12.50
India, Postal History of Portuguese India by Umesh Kakkeri 2004, 174 + pages, some plates in color, hard bound in paper case, all in English, $42.50, enquire
India, Portuguese India published by Stanley Gibbons 1893, 1998 reprint, 87 pages, cloth, £35, $72.50
Indonesia, The Postal History of British Borneo by Edward B.Proud, Covers Brunei, North Borneo and Sarawak, 2003, complete revision of 1987 edition, 456 pages, cloth with dj, £50, $115.00
Ionian Islands, The Postal History of the Ionian Islands by D. Zaphiriou 1987, 265 pages text & 298 pages appendix, 3 large plates separate, $135.00
Iraq, The Postal History of Iraq by Patrick C. Pearson and E. B. Proud 1996, 262 pages, cloth, $85.00
Iraq Postal History 1920s to 1940s by Douglas Armitage and Robert Johnson Airlines, Air Routes, Internal and External Postage Rates, Airmail Fees, charges for various other postal services, censorship and postally relevant historical matters. The main purpose of this book is to make sense of the airmail fees charged on airmail sent from Iraq to all other countries of the world in the period 1933 to 1946. 2009, 328 pages, 178 pages of tables, published at £38 plus postage and packing, $85.00
Iraq, Influence of Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd on the postage, official and revenue stamps by Robson Lowe. Covers 1914-1965, 1984, 24 pages, card, well illustrated, edition 400, $9.00
Iran, The Revenue Stamps of Iraq by Joe Ross and John Powell From 1915, the 1890 Turkey stamp with overprints, to 1997 Medical Prescription surcharge, good background information. 2002, 3rd edition, 104 pages, plastic binding, over 200 color illustrations, $50.00
Ireland, The Impressed Duty Stamps of Ireland by W. A. Barber and A. Frank Brown Covers the dies from 1774 through 1921 and the decimalization in 1971. 2004,2nd edition, the first appeared in 1974, 138 + 30 pages, $19.50
Israel, Turkish Post in the Holy Land by F. W. Pollack 1977 reprint of 1962 book, 59 pages, card, one copy available, $32.50
Israel, The Running Stag, The Stamps and Postal History of Israel by Meir Persoff, 1973, 115 + 8 pages, cloth with dj, $52.50
Israel, Index to the Judaica Philatelic Journal, Vol. 1-5, 1963-69, Richter 1970, 2nd Quarter, PHILATELIC LITERATURE REVIEW, $2.50
Italy, Dictionary of English and Italian Philatelic Terms by Roy Dehn, 2004, 91 pages, card, published at 25 euro, $30.00, back in stock
Italy, Swiss Post International Activity in Italy, The Baveno Story by Charles J. LaBlonde A full fledged Swiss postal operation in a number of Italian towns from about 1996 to about 2001. 2009, 72 pages, in color, wire spiral bound, $20.00
Italy, Postal rates from the first postage stamps to the taking of Rome 1850-1870 by Mario Mentaschi, 2005, large 178 book, color, cloth, along 62 page English Translations, only one available, $85.00, sold
Italy, Unificato, Catalog of Italian Revenue Stamps, Unificato Marche Da Bollo, Catalogazione e quotazione delle, Italia - Colonie e Occupazioni, San Marino, Vaticano, 2009/11 edition, In Italian but fully illustrated and the listings are evident, seals as early as 1750 and stamps to date are listed, 375 pages, full color, in Italian, 375 pages, $72.00
Italy, Catalogo storico-descrittivo dei francobolli di Vittorio Emanuele II Re d'Italia by Daniele Zanaria & Gabriele Serra
In English, an extremely detailed handbook and priced catalog, detailed illustrations and plating of the stamps and overprints, cancellations and covers, in color, received a Gold 2009 at Rome, 2009, 890 + 21 pages, published at $115 plus postage from Croatia, $160.00, special $135.00
Italy, Vaccari 2004-2004 Catalog Italian 1850-1900, 11h edition Specialized priced catalog of States and the Kingdom of Italy with much information that is not easily available; Sicilian 1859 plating, maps, etc., 2003, 268 pages, over 1,100 quality color illustrations, prices are old but the value to identify stamps remains, published at, $22.00, reduced to $10.00
John Paul II Visits of Hope, World stamps witness the travels of Pope Wojtyla by Fabio Bonacina
In Italian, English and German, the stamps and souvenir sheets connected with the 104 trips by the Pope outside Italy, stamps and souvenir sheets issued by both the countries visited and Vatican City, unfortunately the cover handstamps are not detailed but there is an interesting chapter on the servicing of the covers, 2006, 408 pages, hardbound, 800 color illustrations, published at 22 euro plus transit, $29.50, reduced to $21.50
The Images of IV Issues of the Reign of Sardinia 1855-1863 by Francesco Maria Amato, 1994, 124 pages, case bound, all in Italian but mostly illustrations with a four page English summary of the captions prepared for us by an old friend, published at 24.80 euro, $30.00
by Antonello Cerruti
Antichi Stati Italiani Originali e Falsi, In Italian but well illustrated, a useful book 2007, 127 pages, full color, card, $87.50
Italian States, Roman States Forgeries
by Revs. F. J. Levitsky & F. Jenkins
Letter Mail from and to The Old Italian States 1850-1870
by Mario Mentaschi and Thomas Mathà.
Arranged by the country with a detailed explanation on the applicable rates on mail going to and also from each. An important rate study and it is in English, plus CD with all illustrations in color, easy to use. Well indexed, even a listing of covers by the city of origin and the destination city. 2008, 320 pages, large format, 717 b/w illustrations, hardbound, $135.00
Kingdom of Lombardy Venetia, the Emil Capellaro collection, Text in Italian, German and English, 2007, 264 pages, 600 illustrations in color, hard bound, published at 35 + 21 euro for US delivery, $77.00
Italy, Sicilia 1859 by Paolo Vaccari 2009, 120 pages, 15 plates of full reconstructions, in folder, slip case, large format and in full color, detailed plating, etc. published € 140 plus transit, $235.00 reduced to $185.00
Italy, The Mass Flights of Italo Balbo by Robert E. Lane Flights made by Italo Balbo in 1928 to the Western Mediterranean, in 1929 to the Eastern Mediterranean, in 1930 across the South Atlantic and in 1933 to Chicago. All aspects including value of the covers. 1996, 144 pages, card $16.50
Italy, The Stamps of Somalia and their Story by Giorgio Migliavacca Much history, general and philatelic. The only major work in English on Italian Somalia, enjoyable but it must be read to obtain the information and not just to look up a specific item. 1997, 112 pages, card, edition of 500, $25.00
The Postal History of Jamaica by Edward B. Proud, The markings are quite well organized for easy use, even a separate listing of the numeral ones. 2004, 632 pages, cloth, £55 plus transit, US delivered $115.00
Jamaica, A Review of the Nation's Postal History and Postage by Alfred N. Johnson, 1964, 62 pages, card, $13.50
Jamaica, Postal History 1662-1860 by Thomas Foster An extremely fine work at a low price, attractive, scholarly & useful. 1968, 180 pages, cloth, $30.00
Jamaica, The Encyclopedias of Jamaican Philately, Vol 1 The Postage Stamps to 1935 by Derek Sutcliffe & Steve Jarvis, 1997, 400+ pages, custom multi ring binder, $52.50, sold
Jamaica, The Philatelic Handbook of Jamaica by Aguilar
Japan, The Forerunner Foreign Post Offices in Japan, British-U.S.-French, Ryohei Ishikawa's Collection1976, 164 pages, in Japanese but with English cover descriptions and a 11 page english text, cloth, mint condition with original box, only one copy, $210.00
Japan, The Tourist Sheets and Booklets of Japan by Ron Casey Starting in 1890 to circa 1905 colorful sheets containing stamps were marketed to the tourist, most of the stamps were forgeries but a few of the most modern were not. 2004. In full color, 110pp, card, $25.00
Japan, The Showa Forgeries of Japan by Ron Casey, 2005. 79ppm, card $20.00
Japan, The Koban Forgeries of Japan, Kr. Wilhelmsen and Varro E. Tyler, 1979 [1994 reprint]. 63pp., plastic ring binding, $14.00
Japan, The Wada Cherry Blossom Forgeries of Japan by Varro E. Tyler & Milton T, Montgomery, 1974, 92 pages, plastic ring binding, $10.00
Japan, Japanese Post Offices in China and Manchuria by John Mosher 1978, 225+ pages, cloth, $165.00, enquire first, limited stock
Japan, Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies by T. Woodward
65 Years in Stamps, A philatelic history of the Showa Period by Nishioka Tatsuji A philatelic history of Japan, 1920s through the 1980s, first published in Japan in 1989 well illustrated, covers dealers, forgeries, rarities, etc. 1994, 136 pages, English edition, cloth, $55.00
A spectacular work on the subject and a magnificent book.1994 reprint of 1961 book, 556 pages, cloth, $150.00
Postal History of Hong Kong, by Edward B. Proud
Japan, Auctions of Major Collections
Japanese Military Forces in the Solomon Islands by S. C. Jersey 1984, 40 pages, card, edition 500 $12.00
Japanese Occupation Postmarks of Malaya by Patrick N. Kearney A fine study from RL, 690 markings are illustrated, 12 maps, rarity factors. 1990, 128 pages, cloth $65.00
Japanese Post Offices in China and Manchuria by John Mosher 1978, 225+ pages, cloth with dj, limited stock, $135.00
Japanese Occupation Issues of the Dutch East Indies by Tom Bleeker 1982, 60 pages, card, Cockrill Booklet 27 $12.00
Japan, K.P.M. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij 1891-1941 with the Java - China - Japan - Line to 1970 by Cockrill & Haalebos 1982, 60 pages, card, Cockrill Booklet 38 $10.00
Jordan, The Revenue Stamps of Jordan & the Occupied Territory (West Bank) Joe Ross & Avo Kaplanian, 2004, 81 pages, plastic binding, $40.00
Jordan, Philatelic History of Jordan by K. C. R. Souan B Com. 9 volumes 2 being hard bound in padded cover, 1953, 1972, 1975 (regular and deluxe), 1980, 1982, 1990, 1995, 1997, in English, $325.00, sold
Philately of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 by Stephen G. Rich, 1943, 226 pages, card, VF, only one set available, $105.00
Though this book is partly titled "An Introduction to" we can only hope a subsequent volume will appear however if not this work is most certainly of major value to the collector as to; history, maps, rates, sailing data and cancellations. 2013, 179+ pages, large format, full color, in English with a one page introduction in French, soft cover, published £49, $95.00
The French shipping lines serving Beirut showing routes and postal markings. It is explained that the lack of an effective Ottoman postal service led to the authorization of postal consular activity leading to the opening of a French post office in 1845 followed by other European countries.
All marks of the French post office are illustrated and supported by copies of relevant letters and description of the rates. This includes tax and maritime marks with a detailed analysis of the covers and the different postage stamps used. This includes both letters to France and other destinations. The post UPU period is treated in a similar manner covering the period up to WWI.
A final section covers moveable box mail (including a slight misunderstanding of Sallies) and military correspondence. A useful annexe illustrates the postage stamps used, ancillary marks, details about principal trading companies, a glossary and bibliography.
2009, 231 + 12 pages, large format, full color, in English and French, cloth published at £55, $97.50
Korea, Philatelic Handbookk for Korea 1884-1905 Collecors Club of New York, Handbook 23, 1970, 128 pages, cloth with dj, only one copy, $65.00
an, Concise Guide to the Queen Issues of Labuan, by Raymond Price An excellent classic coverage, history to plating but no postal history. 1991, 121 pages, card, edition of 300, numbered, $25.00
LATVIA - Handbook of Philately and Postal History, by Harry v. Hofmann, In German however each text paragraph has an excellent one in English.
Latvian Map Stamps by J. Barefoot The 1918 stamps printed on the back of German military maps. 1987, 36 pages, card, published £3, EP #12, $10.00
Leeward Islands, The Postal History of the Leeward Islands by Edward B. ProudThe history and postal history of Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, St. Christopher and Virgin Islands to March 31, 1967, 2005, 408 pages, cloth with dj, published at £45 plus transit, $95.00
Liberia by Philip Cockrill The plating, cancellations and forgeries of the first issues; revenue stamps, surcharges to 1918, postmarks and cancellations, the Elder Dempster Line and British Paquebot markings, bound in full leather
Lithuania, Postage Stamps of Lithuania by Lithuanian Philatelic Societies, bublished by the Collectors Club of New York, 1978, 247 pages, cloth, $35.00
Malasia, Pahang, 1888 to 1903, The Chersonese Collection Published by the BPA Expertising Educational Charity, 2009, 149 pages in color, cloth with dj, published at £35 plus transit of £14 to the US, $77.50
Malaya, Postal History of the Occupation of Malaya and British Borneo 1941-1945 by Proud 1992, 327 pages, cloth, 8 pages in color, cloth, £60.00, $115.00
Malaya, Pahang, 1888 to 1903, The Chersonese Collection, published by the BPA Expertising Educational Charity, 2009, 149 pages in color, cloth with dj, published at £35 plus transit of £14 to the us, in stock November 9th, 2010, $72.50
Malaya, The Postage Stamps of Federated Malay States by Dr. F. E. Wood, 1981, 303 + pages, card, one copy available, $47.50, sold
The Postal History of Malta by E. B. Proud, 1999, 320 pages, cloth, out of print, $170.00
Malayan Post Offices, a listing compiled for philatelists by Reeves, Nelson and Dexter, , 1982, 26 pages, card, only one copy available, $12.50
Malayan Postal History as Recorder in Official Documents compiles by W. A. Reeves, 1984, 104 pages, card, only one copy available, $22.50
Malta, Postal History and Postage Stamps 1576 to 1960, edited by Martin Published by Robson Lowe for the Malta Study Circle
Malta, The Knights of Malta, The Lazara Correspondence by Robson Lowe Our only study of the 1662-1669 Malta to Italy postal rates and the 1789-1797 period, the French Revolution, much history. 1987, 36 pages, card $12.00
Mauritius Mauritius, Hiroyuki Kanai collection, David Feldman Nov 3, 1993 , 194 pages, hard bound and boxed with a 91 page card supplement, $155.00
Mauaritius The Postal History of Mauritius by E. B. Proud Covers the period from 1810 to Independence in 1968. 2001, 448 pages, cloth, last published price £100.00 plus transit, $200.00, out of stock
Mauritius, Maritime Mails 1815-1868 by J. W. B. Ruffle The original handbooks published by the Indian Ocean Study Circle as handbooks No. 4 and 5 are reprinted by the society in one volume. Excellent transcripts of the regulations and also extensive sailing tables. 1991, 100 pages, spiral bound, out of print, $57.50, sold out
Mauritius, Accountancy & To Pay Marks 1860-1876 by J. W. B. Ruffle 1985, 38 pages, card, Indian Ocean Study Circle, $14.00
Post Office MAURITIUS-1847, The Talel of Two Stamps Retorld by Michael Harrison, 1947, 52 pages, card with sheetlet, limited stock $35.00
Mauritius, Picture Postcards 1901-1955 by A. de Kervern Indian Ocean Study Circle 1991, 72 pages, English & French, with rarity guide, card , $27.50
Ibbotson's Mauritius Revisions and Additions to Ibbotson's 1991 From the Indian Ocean Study Circle, Revisions and Additions to Ibbotson's 1991 book from the RPS of London 1995, 128 pages, paper boards matching the original ed
by Joseph Schatzkes, revised by Karl Schimmer,
1983, 314 + 30 pages, 14 color plates, new condition, not the water damaged ones, $135.00, sold out
Stamps of the Mexican Revolution 1913-1916 by Nicholas Follansbee, ISBN No. 0-916675-08-4
The definitive work for the period with pricing for every listed item: Sonora, Constitutional, Local Provisional Overprints, Monogram Overprints, Oaxaca Provisionals, Inflation Period, Officials, etc., 1996, 298 pages, cloth, out of print, $150.00, enquire before ordering
Mexico, A Catalogue of the Stamps of Mexico 1856-1910 by Nicholas Follansbee, 2015, 136 pages, card, $45.00
Mexico, The Pre-Stamp Postal Makrings of Mexico by Yag and Bash, 1965, 153 + pages, copy 174 of 300, cloth with 22 page supplement, $75.00, only one copy available
Mexico, Introduction to the Stamps of Mexico by Dale Pulver A fine overview of the stamps and covers, fascinating and attractive. 1993, 120 pages, good reading, card and cloth, $45.00
Mexico, The Postage Stamps of Mexico 1856-1868 by Samuel Chapman, 376 pages, cloth, the Quarterman 1976 reprint, $165.00, enquire first
An Introduction to the Revenue Stamps of Mexico, by Michael D. Roberts, Nicholas Follansbee, William Barr and Frank Sternad.
Priced catalog and handbook, hundreds of color illustrations. Covers Federal and State issues including Veracruz occupation. The first revised work since the Stevens in 1979. Many new additions but also deletions for material not proven to have existed or were not Federal issues. 2011, 296 pages, cloth, $65.00, sold
Characteristics of some Forgeries of Mexican Stamps by Roberto Liera Gutiérrez, In English and Spanish, Full Color, quite attractive but not as detailed as we would prefer, 2007, 54 pages, card, $30.00, sold out
Mexico, Proofs, Essays, Sample, Specimen & Test Stamps by F. Ingham 1979, 46 pages, card, most useful, we have a xerox prepared by the society for $20.00
Mexico, British Postal Agencies in Mexico City, Vera Cruz and Tampico, 1825-1876 by John M. Heath 1974, 22 pages, 17 illustrations, 1 map, card, $8.00
Mexico, Porte De Mar by Karl H. Schimmer The stamps, covers, paper, gum, printing and forgeries. 1987, 143 pages, card, $27.50, sold out
Mexico, Postmarks of Mexico 1874-1900 by Karl H. Schimmer 1977, 472 pages, cloth, sold
Mexican Maritime Mail, A Postal History from Colonial Times to the 20th Century by Karl H. Schimmer and John M. Heath, An exceptional study, well presented and illustrated,1997, 405 pages, cloth with dj, sold out
The Revenue Stamped Paper of Mexico 1821-1876 by Donald O. Scott and Frank A. Sternad The second edition, expanded from 367 pages in 2006 to 442 today. For more than two centuries, in the territory we know today as Mexico, documents concerned with the transfer of money, deeds, contracts, bills of exchange, etc. were illegal unless written on paper imprinted with a government authorized tax stamp. 2016, 442 pages, well illustrated, card, $49.00
Mexico, Bibliography by Pawley, Auction Catalogs by Trenchard 1968, 3rd Quarter, PHILATELIC LITERATURE REVIEW, $4.25
The Postal History of Mongolia 1841 - 1941
by Wolfgang C. Hellrigl
Published by the RPSL, This 100-year span can be considered as the classic period of the country’s postal history, it truly displays all facets of the spectrum that the philatelic hobby has to offer. 2011, 348 pages, in color, cloth with dj, $185.00, enquire
The British Post Office Service in Morocco 1907-57 by Dr. David A. Stotter, Chairman, GB Overprint Society
An excellent book on the postal service and usages, detailed cancellations.maps, etc.2007, 367+7+2 pages, well illustrated with perhaps 50% in color, cloth with dj, published £49 plus transit, $125.00, sold out
The British Postal Service in Morocco 1749-1906 by Richard Garcia 2010, 343 pages, in color, cloth with dj, published £60 plus transit, $137.50
Morocco, French, 1943-44 Tour Hassan Issues by Charles Neidorf 1953, 56 pages, card, $10.00
Morocco, only one of each available
British Empire Campaigns and Occupations Near East, 1914-1924, A Postal History by John Firebrace A detailed postal history study covering over 1,250 markings, 15 maps British, Indian, Australian and New Zealand participation in the campaigns in Egypt, Gallipolis, Salonica and the Sudan with advance of the E.E.F into and through Palestine and occupation of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and intervention in South Russia. 1991, 460 pages with 100 pages of illustrations, $300.00
Nauru 1915 to 1923, A Study of the Adhesives of Great Britain overprinted for use in Nauru by Keith Buckingham Published by the B.P.A. Expertising Educational Charity in an edition of 290 copies. A detailed study of the stamps, usages and forgeries, 2005, 114 pages, hard case binding, 8 photograph quality color plates, published at £35 plus transit, $85.00
Nepal, The Postage Stamps of Nepal by Harrison D. S. Haverbeck, Collectors Club of New York handbook no 14, circa 1965, 126 pages, cloth, limited stock, $72.50
Nepal, The Use of Nepalese Postage Stamps in Telecommunications by Michel 1988, 232 pages, cloth, a 38 page article in the 1988 APC book, $22.50
Nepal Postal History, British-Indian Post Office in Nepal by Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl The whole spectrum from the founding in 1816, early routes, inland and foreign postal rates, services, all known markings are illustrated, dated and allocated a point value, forged markings are illustrated and described. 1991, 200 pages, 16 color plates, 140 drawings, limited edition, 2 copies available $130.00, back in stock
Nepal A Guide to Specialization in Nepal Philately by Ricketts and Vignola, 1960, about 20 pages,plastic ring binding, only one copy available, $10.00
Netherlands, The First Postage Dues, Holland's "3S" Markings 1667-1811 by Kees Adema. Fascinating markings used for almost 150 years, the world's first to show the amount of postage due, city of origin and the destination. During this period Holland was a major crossroad for Europe. Unfortunately forgeries exist and 11 are devoted to them, much to the infamous work of Raoul Eduard Philip Maier. A beautiful book, the hard covered edition of 200 copies 2002, 256 + 3 plastic overlays, well illustrated with much color cloth bound with dust jacked, the deluxe version, $95.00
Netherlands & Colonies, Maritime Markings & Ship Cancellations 1793-1939 by F. P. Traamberg & Philip Cockrill 1980, 56 pages, card, Cockrill No. 12, $12.00
New Hebrides Postage Stamps & History by Hals and Collas 1967, 184 pages, card $32.50
New Hebrides Islands: Military Postal History of the U.S. Forces 1942-1946 by Stanley C. Jersey Over 200 covers and 100's of postal markings are illustrated. An excellent philatelic coverage with a most useful brief historical one. A fine book from the Collectors Club of Chicago. 1995, 194 pages, cloth, limited edition and out of print, $45.00
by Robert P. Odenweller A completely new study of the classic “Chalon” issues of New Zealand. Over 400 illustrations showing 1,000 different stamps and covers. Many new discoveries explaining old problems are covered in detail, a beautiful book, 2009, about 400 pages, limited stock, $95.00 + $4 pp = $95.00
The Chalon Sorting Guide, Supplement to The Postage Stamps of New Zealand: 1855-1873 The Chalon Head Issues by Robert P. Odenweller. An excellent stamp identification guide when using the full book, 2014, 28 pages in full color, soft bound, sold out
New Zealand and Dependencies - A Philatelic bibliography by David R. Beech, Allan P. Berry and Robin M. Startup. An extensive and most detailed bibliography as would be expected from the compilers, limited stock and limited edition. 2004, xv+289 pages, cloth, $85.00
New Zealand, The Postal History of the New Zealand Military Postal Services 1845-1991 by R. M. Startup and E. B. Proud 1993, 377 pages, cloth $95.00
New Zealand, A Century of Philately, A History of New Zealand Stamp Collecting by W. N. Strachan. Just about everything that happened in NZ philately, listings of handbooks, journals, dealers. Well written and produced. 1988, 289 pages, card, edition of 500, sold out
New Zealand, A Postal History of the Samoan Islands, 1914-1989 by Richard Burge. editions of 350 copies, numbered
New Zealand the UPU to 1907 by Colin Capill Rates, detailed regulations and much background as to why stamps were issued, etc. 1993, 133 pages, card, edition of 350, numbered $45.00
New Zealand Railway Charges Stamps: Design and Printing by J. W. Brodie A most detailed study, facsimile printing in color bound in. 1983, 55 pages, card, edition of 500, numbered $15.00
New Zealand, The Great Barrier Island 1898-99 Pigeon Post Stamps by J. Reg. Walker, a fine study of the history, stamps and covers, CCNY handbook no. 22. 1968, 109 pages, card $25.00
New Zealand, A Bibliography of New Zealand Cinderellas by D.E.Hurley, Arranged by subject, 3 pages on forgeries,1997, 109 pages, clastic ring binding, $17.50
Norway, Handbok over Norges Frimerker 1855-1955, Vol 1 1855-1888, 1963, 311 pages with 6 tipped in reprints, cloth, new condition, special $125.00
Norway, Handbok over Norske Filatelistika, Filatelistiske emner som tidligere ikke er behandlet I norske handboker, 1969, 312 pages, with 6 tipped in reprints, cloth, new condition special $100.00
Norway, Norges Post Histories 1647-1814 by Hans Berrum ex John Crerar library, in Swedish I think, gold leaf on page tops, paper and sewing of both volumes is in excellent condition but should be re-bound
Norway Number One by V. Tuffs From the printings and platings to the cancellations and known blocks 1983, 52 pages, published £8, EP #13, $17.00
Norway, Norwegian Exile Mail 1940-1945 by Karl U. Sanne Postal History: markings, covers, usages, history and a bit on the PS. 1986, 219 pages, card, in English $22.50
Norway, Norwegian Travelling Post Offices by Arthur Chambers For the most part both volumes cover the 1860's through the 1940's.
Ottoman Empire, Postal Cancellations by John H. Coles and Howard E. Walker
Persia, Ghajar Covers and Postal History Classic Specialized Catalogue 1868-1925 by Iraj Eftekhar, Classic Persian postal history, well printed and on good paper, printed in Chicago, in English. There in no comparable volume, especially in English on the Postal History. 2003, 135+ pages, card, in excellent full color, limited stock, $145.00
Palestine, Postal Markings of Mandate Palestine 1917 - 1948 Michael Sacher The original printing and not a reprint, 1995, 530 pages, 2,800 line illustrations, cloth with dj, limited stock, from the RPSL, $150.00 Papua & New Guinea
Paraguay, Postal Stationery Catalog by Joseph Hahn, Raymond Todd and Bill Walton Mostly pre 1950 material but some items to date., Brian Moorhouse, Mainsheet Special Edition No. 3 2003, 40 pages, card, £8, $13.00
The first new publication since 1964 covering the cancellations, both domestic and foreign. 2009, 122 pages, full color, cloth, a small edition, $85.00, sold out
Peru, The 1858 Medio Peso Error of Color an Inventory by Percy Bargholtz A fine study of this interesting error. 2001, 24 pages, card, £6, $10.00
Peruvian Civil Aviation by Herbert H. Moll The experimental flights by Chavez and Bielouvic, the flights of the 1920's and 1930's and the Faucett and Panagra Airlines 2000, 87 pages, card, $16.50
Peru, Catalogue of the Postal Stationery of Peru by Herbert H. Moll A priced specialized catalog from the UPSS covering envelopes, postal cards, letter cards, wrappers in addition to the view card issues. 1999, 100+ pages, wire bound, limited edition, $20.00
Peru, Perou Obliterations Postales 1857 - 1873 by Georges Lamy and Jacques-Andre Rinck, 1964, 235 pages, cloth copy 291 deluxe editon, in Spanish, sold
Philippine Postage Stamp Handbook 1854-1982 by Peter W. A. Harradine A serious philatelic book from a non-philatelic publisher. The format is a bit different but the informal style and the tremendous amount of information makes it quite useful and enjoyable 1987, 402 pages plus 72 pages of plates, $85.00 sold
The History of Airmail in Poland and Its
Contribution to Airmail Services of Europe (1914-1939)
Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski
2021, In English and Polish, 422 pages, hard bound, $79.50
Poland, The Kingdom of Poland, Poland No. 1 and Associated Postal History by M. A. Bonjanowicz, published by the Royal of London 1979, 188 pages, cloth, edition of 500, numbered, $125.00
Polskie Znaki Pocztowe by Antoni Laszkiewic, ex Wolanski, 1934, 419 pages, nicely privately bound, VF condition, $185.00, sold
1944 Pionier Katalog, Znaczki Generalnogo Gubernatorstwa I Polskie by Prof Stanislaw M. Miksteina, 1944 Krakow, 280 pages, card, VF exceptional front cover stamping, VF, $85.00, sold
Poczta Polowa Legionow by J.Z.E. Berek, in Polish with some English, well illustrated, 1968, 95 pages, $12.50, sold
Polish Exile Mail in Great Britain 1939-1949 by K.Kay & Ron Negus Covers the system operated by the Polish Government in Exile in London and it's maritime agencies, Polish and British field post offices and the undercover sending of mail via Portugal and other countries. 1999, 250 pages, card, enquire
Poland 1918 Locals by J. Barefoot The locals from about 1915 to about 1919, the stamps, stationery and postmarks with valuations and a forgery guide 1999, 92 pages, $25.00
Poland Locals by A. Hall, EP 6, 1981, 123 pages, plastic ring binding, $42.50, sold
Poland Revenues, by J. Barefoot retail, £15 1998, 132 pages, card, $35.00, sold
Portugal, History of Portuguese Military Postal Service, Colonial War from 1961-1974 by Eduardo & Luis Barreorps Well printed and in full color. The authors, Eduardo and Luis Barreiros grew up in a military family and are intimately knowledgeable about the subject and about the military which the postal service served. In Portuguese and English, 2005, 460 pages, and weighs almost 5 pounds. cloth with dj, one copy available $97.50, enquire first
Portugal, Selos Classicos de Relevo de Portugal by A. Vieira The volume on Classic Portuguese, embossed adhesive stamps, in Portuguese. 1983, 360 pages, card, winner of the Crawford Medal in 1983, sold
Portugal, Subsidios Para a Historia do Correio Maritimo Portugues by Armado Vieira Maritime postal history to 1870 with arrival and departure dates listed in tables for each vessel. 1988, 302 pages, card, in Portuguese, $55.00
Portuigal, Forgeries of Portugal and Colonies by D. J. Davies Published by the Portuguese Philatelic Society and the British Philatelic Trust Bogus, Fraudulent Proofs and Reprints, illustrated in color, 2002, 138 pages, card, $92.00
Portuguese, Postmarks of Timor by Houwink and de Magalhaes 1984, 32 pages, card, covers 1882 to about 1974, $9.50 Portuguese, Mozambique Company Postal Stationery by Pernes 1983, 20 pages, card, well illustrated, $6.00
Portuguese, Portugal Cerese Cliche Varieties by J.M. Miranda Da Mota & Armando Mario O. Vieiera 1993, 31 page english edition, nicely printed but no illustrations, self cover, $9.50
Portuguese, Portuguese Shipping Companies, Paquebot & Ship Cancellations by Professor Greenwood, Dr. Camara & Philip Cockrill 1984, 100 pages, card, Cockrill Booklet 40, $22.50
Portuguese India, Postal History of Portuguese India by Umesh Kakkeri 2004, 174 + pages, some plates in color, hard bound in paper case, in English, $42.50, enquire first
Provisional Town Postmarks of Porthugal 1879-1912 by David L. Gordon, 1985, 160 pages, card, $37.50, sold out
The Principality of Monaco as seen through its Postage Stamps by H. Chiavassa, circa 1960, 159 pages, card, only one copy, card $7.00
The Postage Stamps of Russia 1917-1923 by Dr. R. J. Ceresa
The Trident Issues of the Ukraine, Part 1, Kiev, Part II Odessa by A.W. Greaves & C.W. Roberts, circa 1970, 2 booklets circa 30 pages each, each with one tipped in photograph, edition of 75 copies, $100.00
The Trident Issues of Ukraine Parts 1-V by C.W.Roberts & Dr. R. Seichter 1989, 1990 printing in one volume, circa 150 pages, plastic ring binding $85.00, sold
Exceptional works on the common forgeries of the period, the stamps are real but the fakes are so common that the authentic ones are not fully appreciated. I have never paid any attention though i have accumulated a few for my forgery collections and now want to work them up, the stores and details of the stamps are most interesting. A labor of love by Clark and priced so the information will be distributed, he is now working on other volumes that we hope they will get out.
The Arms Issues of 1902-20 by Rev. L. L. Tann, 1980, 257 pages, card, $67.50, sold
Imperial Russian Stamps Used in Transcaucasia part two, Tiflis by P.T.Ashford1975, pages 60-134, card, $37.50, sold
Anmerkungen zur Postgeschichte der Karpathen-Ukraine by Dr. Walter J. Rauch
Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad by S.D. Tchilinghirian & W.S.E. Stephens
Siberia Postmarks and Postal HIstory of the Russian Empire Period by P. E. Robinson1987, 156+ pages, wire spiral binding, $35.00
Ukraina-Handbuch, I. Teil by C. Svenson, 1926, 201 pages, cloth, not in English, $50.00, sold
Illustrated Postage Stamp History of Western Ukrainian Republic 1918-1919 by John Bulat1973, 95 pages, cloth $50.00
Timbres-Poste Rurax de Russie published by Moens, circa 1880, pages 37- 108, front cover and part missing, not in English, $20.00, enquire
Russian Stamp Finder by Russell Ian's, 1975, circa 22 pages, card, $10.00, sold
Georgia Postal Cancellations 1918-1923 by P.T. Ashford1991, 158 pages, card, $75.00
Russia Posts in the Empire, Turkey, China and the Post in the Kingdom of Poland by Sergel Prigara. The stamps, entires, cancellations and postal history. 1981 English edition of 1941 book, 202 pages plus 17 plates, cloth, $42.00
Russian Posts in the XIX Century by K. V. Bazilevich The operation and administration of the mails, it does not cover the stamps or postal markings though some are illustrated. 1987 translation of 1927 book, 168 pages, cloth, edition of 603 copies new $50.00, one used copy $30.00
Postmarks of Russian Empire, pre-adhesive period by Manfred Dobin In English and Russian, well illustrated with covers, markings and maps. St. Petersburg and Moscow are as chapters, other towns are alphabetical, about 2,000 markings. Covers 1765 to 1857 but many markings remained in use into the adhesive period. An evaluation of markings in US $ is given. 1993, 544 pages, cloth, $85.00
The Zemstov Postage Stamps of Imperial Russia by Alex Artuchov An excellent study, we think it is the new definitive study, the set is now complete.
Russian Zemstvos by F. G. Churchin The classic work on the Russian Locals 1988 reprint of 1925 work, 92 pages, spiral bound, published £9, EP #15, $20.00, enquire
Russian Rural Stamps by Wm Herrick, 1978 reprint,128 pages, large format, cloth, only one copy available, $95.00
Imperial Russia Zemstvo Post by Oleg A. Fabergé l Russia Zemstvo Post by Oleg A. Fabergé A beautiful book, full color, small folio size, 8½ x 12 inches, of the magnificent Fabergé collection, the text is typeset and all in English though there are introductions in Finnish and Russian. This is a reproduction of a collection and can not be considered a study of all issues however it is extremely comprehensive with many plating pieces, proofs and essays in addition to covers. 1993, 431 pages, map in pocket, cloth, full color, sold out
Georgia by John Barefoot & Andrew Hall1983, 66 pages, EP 11, plastic ring binding, only one copy available, $22.50
Russian Postmarks by Kiryushkin & Robisnon 1989, 110 pages, spiral bound, EP #17, limited stock $30.00
Russia, Baltic Postal Locations 1632-1917/18 by Harry v. Hofmann
Gives the German, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian or Polish names for Russian
place names. This second edition is much expanded over the previous which
only covered 1858-1916. Invaluable for those interested in this area.
1996, 244 pages, card $50.00
Russian Railway Postmarks by Kiryushkin and Robinson Lists over 2,600 Imperial Russian railway postmarks with almost 2,000 full size illustrations along with 11 maps, lists of railways, districts, Julian Calendar, transliteration system, glossary of Russian words and a valuation guide. 1994, 180 pages, card $50.00
Russia, Catalogue of Propaganda-Advertising Postal Cards of the U.S.S.R. 1927-1934 by G. V. Shalimoff and G. B. Shaw, edited by Jean R. Walton The book is English with translations of all Russian text on the postal cards into English. For additional information Russian Propaganda 2002, 300 pages, wire spiral binding, limited edition, $70.00
Russia, Ukrain Catalog-Checklist by Peter Bylen Well produced and most reasonably priced catalog of the stamps, illustrated.
Samoa, The Stamps and Postal History of Nineteenth Century Samoa by R.P. Odenweller Covers the Pre-Post Office Era, Samoa Express, the Apia Municipal PO 1882-1886, etc. etc. 2004, 416 pages, 225 illustrations in color, from the RPSL, cloth, dj, edition of 500, one copy available, $285.00
Sarawak, mostly only one of each
Serbia, The Postal History and Postage Stamps by Mirko R. Rasic 1979, 287 pages, cloth, $37.50
Serbia, Les Timbres de la Principaute de Servie 1866 - 1880 by Paul de Smeth, n French, 1927, 54+ pages, card, only one copy available $22.50
Seychelles, Postage Stamps & Postal History by H. V. Farmer, 1955, 123 pages+8 pages and plates, published by RL, cloth, $75.00
Seychelles, Postal History and Postage Stamps to 1976 by S. Hopson & B.M. McCloy, An excellent work from the Indian Ocean Study Circle 2002, 186 pages plus 4 color plates, cloth with dj, $105.00, enquire first
Seychelles, The Cancellations & Instructional Markings, 1860-1980 by B. M. McCloy 1980, 23 pages, card, out of print, Indian Ocean Study Circle, $18.50
Seychelles, Airmail History 1938-1971 by K. B. Fitton 1986, 46 pages, card, Indian Ocean Study Circle, $15.00
Seychelles, Picture Postcards 1903-1955 by S. Hokpins 1989, 42 pages + two supplements, Indian Ocean Study Circle, limited stock, sold out
Sierra Leon, The Postal Service of Sierra Leon, its History, Stamps and Sationery until 1961 by Philip O. Beale 1988, 252 large pages plus 4 color plates, cloth with dj, pblished by the RPSL, $120.00
The Postal History of Sierra Leone by Edward B. Proud 1994, 472 pages, 8 pages in color, cloth $85.00
South America, German North Atlantic Catapult Flights 1929-1935 by James W. Graue & Dieter Leder, A good history, flight details and detailed priced catalog, 2004, 235 pages, metal spiral bound, $32.00
Deutsche Lufthansa, south Atlantic Airmail Service 1934-1939 by James W. Graue & John Duggan, Europe to South America, a detailed listing, flight details, 2000, 236 pages card, $47.50
Deutsche Lufthansa, south Atlantic Airmail Service 1934-1939 by James W. Graue & John Duggan, Europe to South America, a detailed listing, flight details, 2000, 236 pages card, $47.50
Edited by Robert Littrell
The Spanish period for these issues, 1878 through 1898. The Cuba section also covers significant postal rate changes. 2010, 127-page in color, paper case binding $59.00.
Spain, Postal History of Spanish New Orleans, A Study of the Development of Mail Service and Postal Communications to and from New Orleans during the Spanish Period, 1763-1804 by Dr. Yamil H. Kouri From the Stuart Rossitor Trust, An exceptional study of all postal functions relating to the City of New Orleans during the Spanish period, with excellent historical background, also some references to the Southwest Territories. 2004, £38.50 plus transit, $88.50
Spain, A Postal History of Spain by Theo. Van Dam, 1972. Col Club NY handbook no 24, a good overall in english, 148 pages, card
Spain, A Tort, The Classic Stamps of Spain, Guia Del Coleccionista De Sellos De Correos De Espana,
Spain, Prefilatelia Espanola by M. Tizon and J. Guinovart Spanish stampless markings of the entire world including the US, line illustrations in color, period of use, rarity factor.
St. Helena Postal History and Stamps by Edward Hibbert 1979, 208 pages, four color plates, cloth, sold
St. Helen, The Postal History of Ascension, St. Helena & Tristan da Cunha by Edward B. Proud, 2005, 248 pages, cloth with dj,published at £40 plus transit, $85.00
St. Helena, Postal History During the Napoleonic Exile A 25 page article in the 1989 APC book, 187 pages, cloth $22.50
St. Pierre & Miquelon, Specialized Stamp Catalog by James R. Taylor A detailed catalog. starting with French Colonial issues of 1860-1892, 1892 issues, the 1926 "pp" stamps, 1938-1941 plate varieties, etc. through 1998 with special emphasis on WW II and the Vichy stamps, Sans RF, etc. 2001, 195 pages, plastic comb bound, sold
St. Vincent by A. D Pierce, J. L. Messenger & Robson Lowe 1971, 184 pages, cloth, only two copies available, $135.00
Saint Vincent by Francis Napier and E. D. Bacon 1895, 1998 reprint, 107 pages, cloth, £25, $45.00, sold
The Postal History of Sudan, by Edward B. Proud, 2006, 414 pages, cloth with dj, published at £50 plus transit, $142.50
19th Century Campaigns in Egypt and the Sudan by John Firebrace Fourteen campaigns from the French 1798-1801 through the Nile Expedition, 1897-1900, the basic history and postal history followed by pages from the author's collection. 1997, 218+10 pages plus 8 color plates, published £40, $80.00
Sudan, Postal Markings, 1867 to 1970 by E.C.W. Stagg Published by the RPSL.
Stamps and Posts of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan by Gisburn & Thompson
Sweden, The Postmuseum Books Excellent overall work covering and stamps and usages. contents varies by the year, in English and Swedish
Sweden, Letter rates in Sweden 1831-1855 by Lennart Ivarsson from the Swedish Postal Museum As this book is in Swedish except for a one page summary the first 46 pages on covers and forms is lost to most of us however the remainder of the book consist of tables of postage rates and should be of much value to those of us that are not linguist. 2005, 342 pages, a number of covers and forms are in full color, cloth with dj, $62.50
Swedish Postal Rates, What Does the Letter Cost?, Vad Kostade brevet? by Sven Carlin Covers Swedish rates from 1636 to 1975, mostly domestic but we note some to Denmark, Norway, Finland, etc. In Swedish 1975, 137 pages, paper case binding $22.50
Sweden & Finland, Stamps of Sweden and Finland, the Early Issues by Ernest H. Wise 1975, 168 pages, cloth with dj, $27.50
Sweden, Svergiges Frankotecken 1855-1963, Sveriges Filatelist Fourbund, the 3 card bound volumes housed in a cloth case, new condition, with the 6 reprints tipped in $175.00
Sweden, Handbok over Norges Frimerker 1855-1955, Vol 1 1855-1888, 1963, 311 pages with 6 tipped in reprints, cloth, new condition $125.00
The Yellow Three Skilling Banco by Sven Ahman
The authenticity and status question on Sweden's unique 3 Skilling Yellow was seriously questioned by many experts over the years and finally went to the RPSL in
1975, 143 pages, facsimile mounted in, full leather binding with dj,
Complete with 40 page English translation, card
The Treskilling Yellow, The Most Valuable Thing in the World by Lars Fimmerstad, 2004, 185, English Edition, Cloth, Covers the early history that after 1975 and some of the earlier, Sperati is covered and the Peter Winter forgeries are illustrated on page 150-151 however Winter is not named as the source. Well illustrated in color and enjoyable to read.
The above two books on the 3 Sk, three sets available, total $225.00
Sweden, Replating the Large Officials 1874-1893 by Martin Fishenden Part 1, The 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 20 & 30 Öre Values 1986, 80 pages, card, Cockrill Booklet 45 $12.00
Switzerland, Studie über die schweizerische Hotelpost, Swiss Hotel Posts by Dr. Marcel Kottelat The work is written in German but with the extensive illustrations it should be of much value to all Cinderella and local collectors. The postal regulations and philatelic influence are well covered, 1864 - 1900. Published at 190 SFr., 1995, 200 pages, 114 illustrations in color, linen bound $180.00
Switzerland, Doe Winterthur, Marke der Uebergangseit 1850 by Hans Hunziker The Zurich issue of 1850, the interim stamps, cancellations, covers, the plating of the stamp, forgeries, etc., in German 1993, 48 pages, hard cover, 48 illustrations, 10 in color, pub SFR 48 $45.00
Switzerland, Strubel, Helvetia assise non dentelée 1854-1862 by Hans F. Hunziker The Sitting Helvetia issues of 1854 - 1862, the history, philately, printings, shades, frankings & forgeries, in German and French., a beautiful book. 1986, 140 pages, 16 pages in color, Published 65 SFr., $57.50
Switzerland, Oblieterations Suisse 1843-1853 by Henri Grand Circa 2000, 327+ pages in color, cloth, only one copy available $165.00
Switzerland, The Railway Post Offices of Switzerland by Anthony M. Goodbody 1982, 26 pages plus two color map, in English $8.00
Switzerland by, Charles J. LaBlonde
Syria and Lebanon, Free French Censorship World War II by William Charles Robertson, 2011, 132 pages, wire spiral binding, enquire one copy left $45.00
Syria, Philatelic History of the Arab Kingdom of Syria by Kaczmarczyk & Unwin, 2002, 112 pages, cloth, $145.00
Tanganyika, The Postal History of Tanganyika 1915-1961 by E. B. Proud 1989, 287 pages, cloth, postal markings, maps, rates, etc. $70.00
Thailand The Waterlow Proof Sheets 1917-1960 by Peter Collins 1981, 68 pages, card, edition of 500 $15.00
Thailand, Mail to and from Prisoners of War and Civil Internees 1942-45 by the Thailand Philatelic Society, quite well done. 1985, 24 pages, card $8.50
Tibet, The Postal History of Tibet by Arnold C. Waterfall 1981, 188 pages, cloth, slightly revised from 1966 edition, $75.00
Tibet, The Postal Markings of Tibet by Wolfgang C. Hellrigl A well researched and printed study covering hundreds of markings, earliest and latest usages, rarity factor by points with an estimate of known covers, all are illustrated. Sixty nine forged postmarks are illustrated and detailed. Highly recommended. 1996, 68 pages, plastic binding, edition of 300, $30.00, enquire first
Tibet, First Series, 1912 Plating Notebook by Frealon Bibbins 1992, 42 pages, 3 color plates, plastic binding, $17.50, sold
Tibet, Third Series, 1933-60 Plating Study by Bibbins and Flack A fine work, much better produced than that of the 1912 issue. 1993, 63 pages, plastic binding, $22.50, sold
Tibet, The "Officials" of Tibet by Armand E. Singer 1999, 39 pages, laser jet print in color, plastic binding, $35.00, sold
Tibet, From China and Tibet by Robson Lowe > From China and Tibet by Robson Lowe Letters written by missionaries in the interior, 1844-1865. 1981, 24 pages, self cover, $12.50, enquire first
Tibet, Some Tibetan Seals Illustrated and Described by Derrick Dawson Covers Seals of the Dalai Lama, Panchen Lama, etc. Monastic, Administrative, Postal and Banknote, etc. An interesting publication. 1997, 57+6 pages, laser jet print in color, plastic binding, $50.00
The Postal History of Trinidad & Tobago by Joe Chin Aleong & E. B. Proud 1998, 520 pages, cloth, $97.50
Trinidad, British Empire Civil Censorship Devices, World War II, Trinidad and Tobago by Wike Development and organization of the censor stations, the markings, labels, seals, permits, instructional markings and security devices, also covers censor numbers allocated to Jamaica and Bermuda. 1994, 80 pages, card, UK £15.00, $24.00
Turks Islands and Caicos Islands to 1950, Postage Stamps, Postal Stationery, Postal History by John J. Challis, edition of 250, 1983, 118 pages, cloth, limited stock, $95.00
Turkey in Asia, Anatolia by M. Max Mayo A wonderful book on the Stamps of Turkey in Asia, beautifully produced with full color throughout the book and not only in the center, excellent detailing of the counterfeit overprints. A concordance gives the catalog numbers by: Mayo, Scott, Gibbons, Michel, Passer and, Pulhan. This book covers the stamps and fakes, postmarks are mentioned at times but not in great detail, the censor marks are covered in some detail as are the military marks 1990, 392 pages, cloth, color throughout, 52 page concordance, $230.00
Turkey, France, Cilicie Occupation Militarie Francase by M. Max Mayo A fine catalog - handbook covering the postal history, markings and stamps, many in color of this small territory of Turkey. 1984, 200 pages, card some illustrations in color, $35.00
Turk Postalari ilk Filatelik Damga ve Muhurleri 1863-1920 by Orham Brandt & Sadik Ceylan, 1963, 98 pages, card, only one copy, $110.00
The Stamps of Turkey by Adolf Passer Published in 1938 by the RPSL, 240 pages plus over 76 plates
Tuva, Postal History and Stamps of Tuva by S. Blekhman, translated by Ron Hogg 1997, English translation of 1976 book, 114 pages, card, $37.50, please enquire
Uruguay, The Traveling Post Offices of Uruguay by Jay Grace Walmsley, A wonderful story of the systems covering the Stage, Maritime and Trains with much history and detailed coverage of the markings, 2012, 135 + 4 pages, in color, cloth, edition of 80 copies, 3 copies available, $70.00
Uruguay, The Revenue Stamps of URUGUAY, Patente de Rodados de DEPARTAMENTO de MONTEVIDEO, Vehicle Registration Department of Montevideo 1928-1963, Joe Ross, 2005, 69 pages, plastic binding, $40.00
Uganda, The Uganda Missionaries by Robson Lowe 1974, 8 pages, self cover, packed with information $5.00
Uagana, The Postal History of Uganda and Zanzibar by Edward B. Proud Both are covered up to the Independence in 1962 and 1963 respectively. 1993, 433 pages, cloth, $90.00
Venezuela, The Early Stamps of Venezuela by Cornelius W. Wickersham, Col club NY, 1958, 156 pages, cloth with dj, $115.00 enquire first
Venezuela, Origenes de las dos Primera Emisiones de las Estamphillas de Correo de Venezuela by Santiago Hernandezx Ron, 1956, 71 pages, card, $17.00