by Oscar Thomas
The only comprehensive coverage of the subject, Included with each set of books is a DVD with over 4500 scans of western covers, 2013, two volumes, 900, full color, cloth, edition of 300 copies, $250.00, sold out
The Penny Post, Journal of the Carriers and Locals Society, a complete run from No. 1 in January 1991 to No. 102, April 2018, an exceptional journal in the class of The Chronicle but much scarcer, new condition $550.00 delivered to a US address, sold
United States Telephone Stamps, Franks, Coupons by William L. Rink, it also contains Covers, Perfins, Postcards, Passes, etc. 2017, 180 pages, full color, press printed, edition of 200 copies, signed and numbered, $69.95
by James N. Drummond The savings stamps from over 175 schools and banks (and other saving institutions) are shown, as well as the known "generic" savings stamps. Most of the images are in color. A detailed history of many of these firms along with images of the outside of the building, photographs of the president of the bank, and many other interesting materials are included. A 25 page introduction describes the purpose and use of the stamps, About 10% are Canadian and British but the rest are US. 2010, 188 pages, in color, card, $50.00.
College and School Stamps by James N. Drummond, A detailed history and cataloging of the stamps, mostly US but perhaps 20% foreign, 2007, 236 pages, in color, perfect bound, $65.00
Private Local Posts of the U.S., Vol. 1, New York State by Donald Patton The best work on US locals, unfortunately the series never went beyond Vol. 1, now out of print. 1967, 350 pages, cloth, standard work on N.Y. State $55.00
Byways of Philately, Privately Owned Posts and Early Locals, by Elliott Perry, re-edited by others. This work has faults but it is still the primary source on Hussey, 1966, 271 pages, cloth, well illustrated. $45.00
2007, 73p, card cover. A marvelous booklet that illustrates and prices all of the examples written about in Lyon's three volume work: The Identifier for Carrier's, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries, and Bogus Posts of the United States. A valuable guide book to this increasingly popular collecting area. $20.00
The Carriers and Locals Society
Ambassador J. William Middendorf II Collection of Carriers and Locals, net price sale no 4, Richard C. Frajola. An excellent catalog with much reference information and fine color illustrations, useful.
Dr. Cyril F. dos Passos, Robbins Auctions, 1981 An excellent companion to the above as it illustrates one page of Wood's notebook, he was Hussey's printer and kept a detailed ledger of the stamps he printed, sold out
Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Post of 1894 by Lowell B. Cooper, The suspension of Mail Service arising from the American Railway Union (ie Pullman) strike. Detailed study of Banta's postal and philatelic local. The Wells Fargo activity during the ARU strike are also covered. Being our own publication we are most prejudiced but we think you will find it an interesting story of a legitimate private post with some fascinating fraudulent philatelic activity. The story is still not complete but nothing new has appeared since the publication of this book. 1983, 152 pages, 100 illustrations, cloth, edition of 500, $50.00 Deluxe edition, rag paper, ¼ leather, slip case, edition of 25, $300.00
The City Despatch Post 1842-1852 Issues, A study of America's First and Most Versatile Stamp-Producing Plate by Scott R. Trepel, 2003, 25+14 pages, color and b&w, card cover, a fine study of the history, covers and the plating, $12.50
The Chatham Square Post Office and Swarts City Dispatch Post Published by the APS Handbook Committee but it is pure Elliott Perry! 1941, 36 pages, card $20.00
100 Years Ago, February 1842 August, Centenary of the First Adhesive Postage Stamps in the US by Elliott Perry and Arthur G. Hall An excellent work on the City Despatch Post, N.Y. 1942, 68 pages, card, limited stock, enquire before ordering, $60.00
Franks of the Western Express by Mel Nathan This book is considerably out of date and is only of reference as to what was once believed. 1973, 281 pages, cloth, regular edition enquire, deluxe edition $37.50
Wells Fargo in Arizona Territory by John & Lillian Theobald Enjoyable and useful beyond just Arizona. 1978, 224 pages, sold out
The Denver Papers, John A. Fox auction of March 26, 1968 Auction of General James W. Denver's correspondence, rich in Western covers from the 1850's and 1860's. 1968, 64 pages, card, with prices realized, sale 339-340, $32.50
Pioneer Miner and the Pack Mule Express by Ernest A. Wiltsee Dated but still a fine background book on the Western Expresses.
by Bruce H. Mosher, A CD containing 264 pages, in color.The articles published in the Journal of the New Jersey Postal History Society from Feb 2003 through May 2007 in addition to a significant addendum which illustrates NJ Express memorabilia previously unpublished, 2009, $15.00
Sanitary Fairs by Alvin and Marjorie Kantor R. A. Siegel is to auction this collection in the Spring of 1995. A Philatelic and Historical Study of Civil War Benevolences A beautifully produced book of great interest to any collector of American Civil War or Charity material. Each fair is covered with respect to both the philatelic and historic aspects, many illustrations of the stamps, covers and proofs, also the fantasies. Our only reservations is the plating of the stamps is not covered. 1992, 304 pages, 16 pages in full color, cloth $75.00
The Carriers and Locals Society, The Penny Post
An active society with a fine journal devoted to the study and publication on these fascinating stamps.
There web site is available at
The Pony Express, A Postal History, by Richard Frajola, George Kramer and Steven Walske,
Census of all recorded Pony covers, complete trip listings, details of postal and historical operations, detailed maps, most known covers are illustrated, 2005, 176 page, mostly in color, cloth, $45.00
Wells, Fargo & Company 1861 Pony Express Issues by Scott R. Trepel, An excellent and long needed new study of the $1, $2 and $4 Pony Stamps along with the $1 Garter and the reprints. Also an excellent description of classic lithography as applicable to these stamps. 2005, 40 pages, color, card, published compliments of Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc.
The Pony Express by M.C. Nathan and W.S. Boggs The history of the service and a plating of the adhesive stamps. The plating of the 10c and 25c are not covered in either of the above two works. 1962, 108 pages, cloth, $175.00
Pony Express by Edward S. Knapp1936, 27 pages, card, $10.00
Handstamps of Wells, Fargo & Co. 1852-1895 by J. F. Leutzinger
The 1993 edition is completely revised from the 1968 one however
the basic format and numbering system has been retained.
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Handstamps and Franks by Victor Berthold
A fine companion volume to Leutzinger, Berthold mostly covers
the printed franks and Leutzinger is exclusively the handstamps.
1926, 1st edition, 85 pages, carhop
Privately Printed Franks on US Government Envelopes by A.P. Haller
1988, 128 pages, looseleaf, no binder, sold out
1988, 128 pages, soft bound, only one copy, $40.00
Oregon Express Companies by Dale Forster
Covers the 1845-1870 period, well researched and enjoyable to
read, a major work on the Express Companies.
1985, 240 pages, cloth, edition of 500, $47.50
Sloane's Column, arranged by George T. Turner
An exceptional work with a number of references on locals.
Pat Paragraphs arranged by George Turner and Thomas Stanton
The 58 PP booklets plus added material has been arranged by subject
similar to "Sloane's Column." An extremely useful book which we fault
only in that each entry does not reference the original booklet.
1981, 648 pages, cloth $85.00
Springer's Handbook of North American Cinderella Stamps
A listing of revenue, express and bogus US and Canadian material
that does not appear in Scott's. From edition to edition the listings
are added and occasionally expanded thus there is repetition within the series.
The most complete listings on some topics now spans the 5th through
the 10th edition with the previous issues of some interest.
Much of the material in the 5th - 9th edition is NOT in the 10th.
Roman's Catalog of Chinese Treaty Port Stamps, circa 1960 reprint, 48 pages, card, $17.50
Catalog of Local Posts by William Rowcroft, Jr1960, card, 144 pages, sold
The World of Local Postage Stamps by Peter Kelley, F.R.G.S., 1976, 155 pages, card, sold
Handbook of the Private Local Posts by Hurt & Williams, Billig's Specialized Catalogue Vol 6, please note this is not the normal Billig Vol 6 but a different series, 168 pages, cloth $65.00
Private Local Posts of Denmark by Christensen & Ringström
A scholarly work that has been beautifully produced, all in English.
Each post starts with it's history, photographs and maps then a catalog
priced in US $ for the stamps and stationery, many stamps are plated
with enlarged photographs showing the characteristics, covers and
cancellations. Color is well used, the maps are excellent, old photographs
and prints are in appropriate tones, some stamps in color, as are
reproductions of documents.
Die Private Stadtpost Stuttgart Biografic und Katalog by Horst Jaedicke
A detailed study of the Stuttgart local posts and the social and economic conditions, a most unusual work, scholarly but also entertaining, serious but also trivia, unfortunately a knowledge of is necessary for the text, the overall presentation is evident to all.
2000, 373 pages, most illustrations in color, $90.00
Poland 1918 Locals by J. Barefoot
The locals from about 1915 to about 1919, the stamps, stationery and
postmarks with valuations and a forgery guide
1999, 92 pages, $25.00
Private Ship Letter Stamps of the World by Ringström & Tester
Covers the mail services, companies, stamps, reprints, forgeries, and
cancellations, complete with numerous bibliographies. Highly recommended!
Latvian Map Stamps by J. Barefoot
The 1918 stamps printed on the back of German military maps.
1987, 36 pages, card, published £3, EP #12, $6.00
The Zemstov Postage Stamps of Imperial Russia by Alex Artuchov
An excellent study, we think it is the new definitive study, the set is now complete.
Mail Service in the Ghetto Terezin 1941-1945 by Frantisek Benes and Patricia Tosnerova.
A beautiful written and produced book, hard bound in paper case with slip case, in four languages including English.
1995, 344 pages with 15 color plates, $112.50
Imperial Russia Zemstvo Post, the Oleg A. Fabergé collection, full color, small folio size,
8½ x 12 inches, of the magnificent Fabergé collection, the text is typeset and all in
English though there are introductions in Finnish and Russian. This is a collection and
can not be considered a study of all issues however it is extremely comprehensive with many plating pieces, proofs and essays in addition to covers. Arranged alphabetically by town with a large map in a pocket showing the various districts and governments.
1993, 431 pages, map in pocket, cloth, full color, sold out
Russian Zemstvos by F. G. Churchin
The classic work on the Russian Locals
1988 reprint of 1925 work, 92 pages, spiral bound, published £9, EP #15, $20.00
Nevada Express
Nevada Express, Wells, Fargo & Co, and Other Letter Expresses, 1857-1895
by James M. Gamett. In addition to the well known Pony Express and Wells, Fargo services 22 other express companies are covered, each with a census of the known covers along with many illustrations of covers and contemporary views of the towns. In all the book contains 110 halftones and a number of line cuts.
2002, 192 pages, cloth, $45.00
PAT PARAGRAPHS by Elliott Perry
A original series of 58 card covered booklets issued from 1931 to 1958 containing much date on classic U.S. stamps and especially the locals and carriers.
No 1 - 17, scarce and are often not available, por
Supplement to No. 32, 4 pages, self cover[not available]
The History & Local Post of Rattlesnake Island, Lake Erie by John Wells, 2003, 112 pages, in color, card, $20.00
Studie über die schweizerische Hotelpost, Swiss Hotel Posts by Dr. Marcel Kottelat
The work is written in German but with the extensive illustrations it
should be of much value to all Cinderella and local collectors. The postal
regulations and philatelic influence are well covered, 1864 - 1900.
Published at 190 SFr.,
1995, 200 pages, 114 illustrations in color, linen bound $180.00
Official Seals of the World
by James N. Drummond
The numerous Post Office Seals and Tapes used in over 150 countries, to re-seal and repair covers, most seals have a monetary evaluation, in a number of cases both for on and off cover examples, 648 pages, full color, sold out
Books published by the Cinderella Stamp Club of the UK
Brunei 1895 Star and Crescent Issue by Robson Lowe
1973, 32 pages plus one page of corrections, card $6.00
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